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    Decisions taken by the Cabinet of Ministers at its meeting held on 07-06-2016 Featured

    June 08, 2016

    01.Provide reliefs for the people who are affected by moragahakanda - kaluganga development project


    The Moragahakanda – Kaluganga Development Projects which was commenced in 2007 as a Mahaweli Project with the view of providing water for agricultural activities in the North Central Province and providing drinking water for people in Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Trincomalee, and Matale Districts, is the largest multipurpose river valley project being currently implemented in the country. Almost 65% of the project has been completed and it is planned to fill water in the reservoir before the rain starts in Maha season 2016. Therefore, 2,512 affected families in Navula and Laggala-Pallegama Divisional Secretary Divisions due to the land acquisition should be evacuated immediately. 984 families have already been granted compensation and the proposal made by H.E. the President Maithripala Sirisena, in his capacity as the Minister of Mahaweli Development and Environment, togrant compensations for the rest 2,228 families in order to evacuate them immediately, so as to complete the project within the due time period, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

    02.Lowermalwathuoya reservoir project


    The proposed LowerMalwathuOya Reservoir Project will directly benefit people in Anuradhapura, Vavuniya, and Mannar Districts and will facilitate 12,425 hectares of land under the Yoda Wewa and Agathimuruppu Irrigation Scheme in Mannar District to be cultivated in both Yala and Maha seasons. The Environmental Impact Assessment Report and the Archaeological Assessment Report are being reviewed and 160 low income families are being planned to be resettled. As the project has been identified as a productive investment according to its feasibility report the joint proposal made by Hon. WijithWijayamuniZoysa, Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Management and Hon. DumindaDissanayake, Minister of Agriculture, to implement the above project for improving the food production in the country, was approved as a principle by the Cabinet of Ministers.


    03.KumbukkanOya reservoir project in Monaragala district


    Productive use of fertile lands and water in the Monaragala District will play a major role in alleviation of poverty in the area. Under the proposed project a reservoir of 48 cubic metres capacity will be built across the KumbukkanOya and it will provide irrigation water for new lands of 4,280 hectares and 1,255 existing agricultural lands in Buttala, Monaragala and Siyambalanduwa areas. It will be also able to provide drinking water to Monaragala, Nakkala, Kumbukkana, Okkanpitiya and Buttala areas and to generate electricity. Accordingly,the proposal made by Hon. WijithWijayamuniZoysa, Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Management, to implement the above project with domestic and foreign funds, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.


    04.Implementation of the mundeniaru river basin development project


    Mundeni Aru River Basin is considered as mostly underutilized water resources in the Southeast region of Sri Lanka, and the proposed project will cover Ampara and Batticaloa Districts in the Eastern Province. It is expected to improve the capacity of currently cultivated 3,950 ha and to provide new lands of 2,800 ha through two modern multipurpose development reservoirs with a capacity of 75 cubic metres and 80 cubic metres respectively which are to be built adjacent to Galodai and Mahaoya. This project will amalgamate Kithulwewa to Rugam tank and flood control and generate hydropower as well as providing safe drinking water to 44 GramaNiladhari divisions in Batticaloa Districts. Accordingly,the proposal made by Hon. WijithWijayamuniZoysa, Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Management, to implement this project with domestic and foreign funding, was approved as a policy by the Cabinet of Ministers.


    05.Policy framework and national plan of action to address sexual and gender-based violence


    Drafting and enforcing new laws to prevent harassment and abuse against women and children is a key priority of the government. Accordingly, the Policy Framework and National Plan of Action to Address Sexual and Gender-based Violence, which was drafted under 09 fields namely, child activities, disaster management, education, economic development and employment, foreign employment, empowerment and prevention, health, justice and law reform, and media, and consultation with public institutions, international and local non-governmental organizations, community based organizations, and civil organization representatives, was presented by Hon. ChandraniBandara, Minister of Women and Child Affairs, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.


    06.Provision of vouchers instead of cloths for school uniforms – 2017


    Provision of vouchers instead of cloths was first incepted in December 2015. This has facilitated parents to provide quality and standard uniform cloths to children and had saved cost and time spent by the government for storage, packaging, transport, quality checking etc. of school uniform cloths. Accordingly, the proposal made by Hon. AkilaVirajKariyawasam, Minister of Education, to provide vouchers for students in government and government assisted schools and ascetic and laic students in government approved Piriven and to proceed with this programme, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.


    07.Southern transport development project – contract no 01 – construction of section from pinnaduwa to kodagoda (from 30.80 km to 45.00 km) utilization of the balance amount of the loan


    Eleven regional roads are being rehabilitated with the balance loan amount granted by the China Exim Bank for the construction work of section from Pinnaduwa to Godagama of the Southern Expressway. As there is a limited period for the expiry of loan amount, the proposal made by Hon. LakshmanKiriella, Minister of Higher Education and Highways, to manage required funds for immediate rehabilitation of these roads, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.


    08.construction of new building for wards and surgical theatres in district general hospital, chilaw


    Chilaw General Hospital situated in Puttalam District of the North-western Province, provide healthcare services to patients in Chilaw and surrounding areas. In order to maintain its surgeries the old building which the theatre is located should be removed and a new building should be constructed. Hon. RajithaSenarathne, Minister of Health Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine, has informed the Cabinet of Ministers that the contract on the above purpose was awarded to the State Development and Construction Corporation.


    09.Purchase of 42000 metric tons of urea by the two state fertilizer companies


    The proposal made by Hon. DumindaDissanayake, Minister of Agriculture, to purchase 42000 MT of fertilizer to be provided to farmers at a fair price as per the recommendations made by the Cabinet Appointed Special Standing Procurement Committee, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.


    10.Consultancy services for design review and construction supervision of civil works on extension of southern expressway project


    Above project consists of four main sections. Total length of the road is 96 km. Section one is from Matara to Beliatta (30 km), section two from Beliatta to Wetiya (26 km), section three is from Wetiya to Andarawewa (15 km) and Section four is from Mattala to Hambantota via Andarawewa (25 km). The government has already entered in to four agreements with the China Exim Bank for funding 4 civil work contracts and the proposal made by Hon. Ravi Karunanayake, Minister of Finance, to enter into a framework agreement with the government of China and into a loan agreement with the China Exim Bank for funding consultancy services for design review and construction supervision of civil works of this project, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.


    11.Registration of deaths and missing persons


    It has become necessary to provide for the Registration of Persons who are missing with their whereabouts unknown, especially those who are missing in the course of consequent to, or in connection with the conflict in the Northern and Eastern Provinces and/or its aftermath, in connection with political unrest, and/or civil disturbances, and because of enforced disappearances. Such registration and issuance of 'Certificate of Absence' to the relatives of such missing persons will enable the relatives to, temporarily manage the property and assets of the missing person, obtain provisional guardianship of children of the missing person, apply for benefits under Social Welfare Schemes, and make representations to the relevant authorities, relating to the missing person. Accordingly, the proposal made by Hon. WajiraAbeywardana, Minister of Home Affairs, to amend the Registration of Deaths (Temporary Provisions) Act No. 19 of 2010 to issue Certificates of Absence to missing persons and in the event the missing person is found to be alive or deceased, to cancel the above certificate or to issue a Certificate of Death as the case may be, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.


    12.memorandum of understanding for cooperation between the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of turkey and the ministry of foreign affairs of the democratic socialist republic of srilanka on diplomatic training, exchange of information and documentation


    The objective of the above MoU is to strengthen and consolidate the close and friendly relations between the two countries by developing mutually beneficial cooperation on diplomatic training, the exchange of information and documentation on international law and other academic disciplines that are relevant to the practice of diplomacy and international relations in political, economic, cultural spheres. The proposal made by Hon. MangalaSamaraweera, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to enter into the above MoU during the Sri Lankan visit of the Hon. MevlutCavusoglu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey in June 2016, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.




    The combined operation for disposal of waste accumulated in several areas of the Western Province including Kolonnawa has been successfully implemented within the past 7 days with the cooperation of the Sri Lanka Army, Civil Security Force, Western Provincial Council, Local Government Institutions, Department of Agrarian Services, and Land Reclamation and Development Corporation. 5,440 Tons of waste has been disposed within that period and more 2,000 tons are to be disposed, Hence, Hon. Faizer Mustafa, Minister of Provincial Councils and Local Government,has informed the Cabinet of Ministers that the above combined programme has been extended till 12-06-2016.


    14.Housing development programme for those suffering from chronic renal failure and families living in abject poverty


    The joint proposal made by H.E. the President and Hon. SajithPremadasa, Minister of Housing and Construction, to impellent the above housing programme to mark the National Housing Week commencing from the National Housing Day which falls on 23 June, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.


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