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    Decisions taken by the Cabinet of Ministers at the meeting held on 15-07-2015 Featured

    July 16, 2015

    Decisions taken by the Cabinet of Ministers at the meeting held on 15-07-2015



        01. Establishment of a general procedure to award "Prashansaneeya Seva Padakkama"


    The proposal made by HE the President Maithripala Sirisena in his capacity as the Minister of Defence, to establish a general procedure to award the "Prashansaneeya Seva Padakkama" to officers and other ranks in the tri forces as a gratitude towards the long, admirable, preferential and invaluable service, according to the recommendations made by board consisted of senior officials of three forces, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.


           02. Formalization of the export of Gyrinopswalla plant


    The proposal made by HE the President Maithripala Sirisena in his capacity as the Minister of Mahaweli Development and Environment, to implement the method prepared with the agreement of respective parties which are the officials of the Department of Forest Conservation, Department of Wildlife Conservation and Biodiversity Secretariat to enforce necessary action for the conservation of Gyrinopswalla plant which was included in the Red List prepared in 2012 while allowing the possession and transportation of the plant on commercial basis based on a permit issued by the respective authority, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.



             03. Japan Human Resource Development Scholarship Programme - 2015


     The above programme was introduced to Sri Lanka by the government of Japan in 2010 for the skills development of the executive officers in the public sector by providing opportunities to follow postgraduate courses in recognized universities in Japan. It was implemented in 2013 and 2014 and 90 officers were benefited by the programme. The batch for the year 2015 has already been selected and their studies will commence in this September. Accordingly, the Japan International Cooperation Agency has agreed to provide a grant assistance of Japanese Yen 226 million (approximately Rs. 245 million) and the proposal made by Ranil Wickramasinghe, the Minister of Policy Planning, Economic Affairs, Child, Youth, and Cultural Affairs, to enter into an agreement with JICA, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.



           04. Project for construction of Flyovers at Rajagiriya, Ganemulla and Polgahawela


    The government expects to implement various development programmes for the development of road network throughout the country, including the construction of steel flyovers to ease the traffic congestion in the Colombo city and suburbs.


    Accordingly, the proposal made by Ranil Wickramasinghe, the Minister of Policy Planning, Economic Affairs, Child, Youth, and Cultural Affairs, to enter into agreements with the government of Spain and BBVA Bank of Spain for the construction of a four lane flyover at Rajagiriya junction, and two lane flyovers at Ganemulla and Polgahawela railway crossings to ease the heavy traffic congestion due to the frequent closure of railway gates, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.



           05. Purchase of paddy during the Yala season - 2015


    The Paddy Marketing Board expects to purchase paddy directly from farmers in the Yala season and relevant coordination will be done by District Secretaries, Divisional Secretaries, and officers in the village level. The proposal made by Gamini Jayawickrama Perera, the Minister of Food Security, to take necessary action to purchase a kilogram of 'Keeri Samba' and 'Samba' for 50/- and a kilogram of 'Nadu' for 45/-, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.


    Moreover, the proposal made by Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe, to appoint a committee consisted with senior officials and chaired by the Secretary to the Ministry of Finance to affirm that the programme is being duly implemented and for supervision of the above programme, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.



           06. Establishment of a National Data Centre for the Government of Sri Lanka


    Institutions that closely render services to the public such as the Department of Registration of Persons, Department of Immigration and Emigration, Department of Elections, and Department of Pensions, are maintaining a vast collection of data and at the same time spend a large amount of money in this purpose. The proposal made by Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to establish a national data centre to maintain secure data currently maintained by various institutions for facilitating a more expeditious and efficient service to the public through automating the activities and establishing e-services, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.



           07. Maintaining a guaranteed price of Rs. 80/- per a Kilogram of Green Leaf


    Maintaining a guaranteed price of 80/- per a kilogram of green leaf produced by tea smallholders which was implemented under the 100 day programme of the government is being successfully implemented and the proposal made by Lakshman Kiriella, the Minister of Plantation Industries, to extend the programme until this August, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.



          08. Additional funds requirement for restructure of Jaffna - Kilinochchi water supply and sanitation project



    Implementation of the above project under its initial plan has failed due to the difficulties faced in obtaining the required amount of water from the Iranamadu Tank. The proposal made by Rauff Hakeem, Minister of Urban Development, Water Supply and Drainage, to discuss with Asian Development Board on funding the above project to be implemented utilizing the available ground water and desalinated sea water, and to discuss with the AFD institution of France regarding the sanitation project to be implemented in the said area, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.



           09. Allocation of land at Battaramulla to the Road Development Authority


    The proposal made by Rauff Hakeem, Minister of Urban Development, Water Supply and Drainage, to allocate a land of about 1 ½ acres, which is possessed by the Urban Development Authority and situated in Denzil Kebbekaduwa Mawatha, Battaramulla to the RDA for a 50 years lease basis as the land where the RDA was established in the Independence Square premises was acquired for development activities of the area, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.



          10. Taking over of the 60MW Barge Mounted Power Plant in Colombo Port owned by the Colombo Power (Pvt.) Ltd.


    The agreement on purchasing of electricity from the above power plant has expired on 30-06-2015. The proposal made by Patali Champika Ranawaka, Minister of Power and Energy, to take over the said power plant to the Ceylon Electricity Board by paying Japanese Yen 571 million (approximately Rs. 641 million) in terms of the provisions stipulated in the said agreement, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.



          11. National Blood Transfusion Service Act


    National Blood Transfusion Service is recognized as a wide field and Stem Cell production, donation and transplantation are recognized as its growing aspects. Accordingly, the proposal made by Rajitha Senaratne, Minister of Health and Indigenous Medicine, to amend the National Blood Transfusion Service Act to suit the current requirements, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.



          12. Provision of Medical Equipment &Furniture for the 200-Bedded Ward Complex at District General Hospital - Vavuniya


    The Vavuniya District General Hospital is the only hospital that renders tertiary services to patients in Vavuniya and surrounding districts. It is under the administration of Northern Province and is being developed since 2009. New units have been established such as Orthopaedic, CT scanner, and Oral Maxillo & Facial. A 200-bedded Ward Complex has been constructed in this hospital with the assistance from the Government of India and they have further agreed to provide necessary medical equipment and furniture amounting to approximately Rs. 109.5 million as a grant. The proposal made by Rajitha Senaratne, Minister of Health and Indigenous Medicine, to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of India to obtain the said grant, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.



          13. International Training Workshop to be held in Sri Lanka in 2015 with the Asian Productivity Organization


    The Asian Productivity Organization was established in 1961 with the view of increasing the productivity in the fields of industry and agriculture of its member states and 20 countries in the Asia-Pacific region including Sri Lanka have obtained the membership of the organization. Sri Lanka has also signed its conventions. At the last APO Heads' meeting held in Manila, Philippine from 17-21 of November 2014 it was decided to hold agricultural training workshop in Sri Lanka under the theme "Value Addition to Agricultural Products for increasing productivity from 7-13 September 2015. The proposal made by Duminda Dissanayake, Minister of Agriculture, to host the above workshop, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.



           14. Holding 6th conference of the International Organization on Tropical Fruits


    The "International Network for Tropical Fruits" is a regional development body formed under the patronage of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Currently, 13 countries have obtained its membership. As fruit consumption level is less than the recommended level of the World Health Organization, special attention has been paid on the promotion of fruit cultivation. This network is in operation for promotion production, productivity, processing, marketing, quality, consumption and international trade of fruits. The proposal made by Duminda Dissanayake, Minister of Agriculture, to hold the 06th conference of the above organization in Colombo from 03 to 06 of August 2015, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.



            15. Construction of a multipurpose building in the premises of the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka


    The proposal made by Akila Viraj Kariyawasam, Minister of Education, to construct the proposed multipurpose building in the premises of the Department of Examinations with the view of conducting examinations in weekdays without obstructing school affairs, and to render efficient services at a cost of Rs. 615 million as estimated by the Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.



            16. Memorandum of Understanding for sending workers between Sri Lanka and the Republic of Korea


    The proposal made by Thalatha Athukorala, Minister of Foreign Employment, to sign the above agreement with the Ministry of Employment and Labour of the Republic of Korea with the view of implementing an employment permit system for maintaining a programme to improve the visibility of the employment programme of the Korean government and the cooperation between the two countries, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.



           17. Amendment to the Article 20, paragraph 1 of the Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women


    The convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1979 and Sri Lanka has ratified the convention in 1981. The convention provides the basis for realizing equality between women and men and toeliminate of all forms of discrimination against women. The information furnished by Chandrani Bandara, Minister of Women's Affairs, on the amendment made to Article 20(1) of the convention which enables the committee to meet annually for a period necessary as per the request made by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, was taken into account by the Cabinet of Ministers.



           18. Current progress on the plan in operation for the lifting of the EU sanctions on fish export


    Sri Lanka has become a prominent fisheries product exporter to the countries of the European Union. In 2014 Sri Lanka has exported 5,552 MT of fisheries products and made an income of Rs. 9,103 million. On illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing practice, EU has issued special directives to fish exporting countries including Sri Lanka in 2010 and has imposed a sanction on Sri Lanka in their fish export to EU countries on 15 January 2015. An action plan has been prepared to solve this issue.


    It includes major 57 tasks with 21 issues to be solved and 36 aims. Sri Lanka has fulfilled 30 out of 36 aims and the rest will be fulfilled soon. A satisfactory progress has been achieved regarding the resolving of issues and it is being reported to the EU monthly. A comprehensive report in this regard has been furnished to the EU on 15 May 2015 and 30 June. Considering this information presented by Mahinda Amaraweera, Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development, the cabinet of Ministers has noted that as Sri Lanka has dealt satisfactorily in this issue the sanction could be lifted by year 2016.



           19.    Procurement of Lubricating Oil for the yeart 2015/2016 for the Sapugaskande Power Station


    Sapugaskande Power Station of the Ceylon Electricity Board is consisted of 04 Nos. of Diesel generating sets of 18 Mega Watts capacity and 08Nos. of Diesel generating sets of 10 Mega Watts capacity. The diesel generating sets are operated on base load as this is the least cost Thermal Power Station in the Ceylon Electricity Board. It has been estimated that the 2015/2016 requirement of lubricating oil for the Sapugaskande Power Station is 1.1 million liters. Bids have been called for the suppliers of lubricating oil registered in Sri Lanka. The Cabinet of Ministers approved a proposal made by the Hon. Minister of Power and Energy Patali Champika Ranawaka to award the contract of supplying the lubricating oil for 2015/2016 in accordance with the recommendation of the Technical Evaluation Committee and the Standing Cabinet Appointed Procurement Committee (SCAPC).



            20.    Building a New Nursing Hostel for the Jaffna Teaching Hospital


                Jaffna Teaching Hospital which is under the Ministry of Health is the main Hospital in the Northern Province that supplies all kinds of health services to the people in the Northern Province. A Staff of 1750 members provides services at this hospital. 407 of them are nursing officers and they have to face a number of difficulties due to non-availability of adequate residential facilities for them at present.   The Cabinet of Ministers approved a proposal made by the Hon. Minister of Health and Indigenous Medicine Dr. Rajitha Senaratne as a solution to this problem to convert a portion of the 03 stories building that was built in the hospital premises as a hostel for the nursing staff.


            21.    Extension of Clinic Building (Stage II) – General Hospital – Kalutara.


                Kalutara Hospital is one of the main hospital in the country that provide services daily to a large number of people. However, it has become a great obstacle for the hospital to provide treatment services due to lack of sufficient space. The Cabinet of Ministers approved a proposal made by the Hon. Minister of Health and Indigenous Medicine Dr. Rajitha Senaratne to award the contract of extending the clinic building of the hospital as per recommendation of the Technical Evaluation Committee and the Standing Cabinet Appointed Procurement Committee (SCAPC).



             22.    Nagamu Purawara – Modernization of Multi storied housing schemes and infrastructure facilities


                A provision of Rs. 80 million has been provided by the Treasury to the Condominium Management Authority for the modernization of multi storied housing schemes and infrastructure facilities under the Nagamu Purawara programme for the Year 2015. Using this provision the Condominium Management Authority proposes to undertake renovation activities of 03 housing schemes.


    These housing schemes are:

          • Samudra Shakthi multi-storied housing scheme in Moratuwa
          • Hilda multi-storied housing scheme in Dehiwala.
          • Alokapura multi-storied housing scheme in Hambantota.


    Around 296 families resident in these 03 housing schemes will benefit from the proposed renovation activities.


    It has become necessary to carry out these renovation activities when the residents are staying at their residences.


    The Cabinet of Ministers approved a proposal made by the Hon. Minister of Housing and Samurdhi Sajith Premadasa to award the contract of carrying out these renovation activities under the supervision of the Condominium Management Authority.



           23.    Restructuring of Tea Shakthi Fund


    The Tea Shakthi Fund which comes under the purview of the Ministry of Plantation Industries has been incorporated under the Act No. 47 of 2000 with the primary objective of strengthening the bargaining power of the Tea Smallholders. Four projects namely the Factory Project, Fertilizer Project, Local Tea Sales Project and Tea Smallholder Welfare Insurance Project are being implemented by the Tea Shakthi Fund.


    It has been identified that if the Tea Shakthi Fund could provide sufficient working capital, and fulfil the tea smallholders’ requirement of upgrading the manufacturing machinery and working practices the Tea Shakthi Fund factories can be made profit making institutions. At present, actions have been initiated by the Tea Shakthi Fund to restructure the institution with the objective of reducing its losses. The Cabinet of Ministers approved a proposal made by the Hon. Minister of Plantation Industries Lakshman Kiriella to allocate Rs. 200 millio from the General Treasury to the Tea Shakthi Fund with the purpose of functioning the Tea Shakthi Fund at profit after meeting the requirements such as modernization of factories and supply of future working capital.



           24.    Holding the Cremation ceremony of the most Venerable Sri Dhammarakkitha Wansalankara Anuwajjaka Maldeniya Jinalankara Thero, Venerable Incumbent of Sri Dhammarakshita Chapter of Amarapura Chapter, Chief Sanghanayaka of North – East and Thamankaruwa provinces, Senasanadhipathi of Dimbulagala Aranya and Venerable Chairman of Sasanarakshaka Balanamdalaya under State sponsorship


                The Cabinet of Ministers approved a proposal made by the Hon. Minister of Home Affairs Joseph Michael Perera to hold at state sponsorship the cremation ceremony of the most Venerable Sri Dhammarakkitha Wansalankara Anuwajjaka Maldeniya Jinalankara Thero, Venerable Incumbent of Sri Dhammarakshita Chapter of Amarapura Chapter, Chief Sanghanayaka of North – East and Thamankaruwa provinces, Senasanadhipathi of Dimbulagala Aranya and Venerable Chairman of Sasanarakshaka Balanamdalaya



            25.    General Parliamentary Election – 2015


             Use of Vehicles by the Prime Minister and other Ministers for the promotion of their Party/Candidature



    At a meeting held between the Commissioner of Elections and the General Secretaries of the Political Parties it has been agreed that if the Prime Minister, the Ministers, State Ministers, Deputy Ministers and the officials for whom official vehicles have been allocated use the officials vehicles for the promotion of their Party/Candidature the relevant fees for the use of such vehicles should be paid to the relevant Ministries.


    The Commissioner of Elections proposed that the Cabinet of Ministers should decide on the amounts to be charged in connection with the use of vehicles in this regard.


    Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the undermentioned recommendations made by the Hon. Minister of Finance Ravi Karunanayake.


    Payment of Rs. 100,000/- per month for each vehicle used by the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the House, the Leader of the Opposition, the Chief Ministers of the Provinces, the Deputy Speaker of the House, the Ministers, State Ministers, Deputy Ministers and those who use vehicles provided by the government or by the provincial councils as a privilege to the posts being held by them for the promotion of their Party/Candidature.


    The cost of fuel should also be borne by them personally when the vehicles allocated to them are being used for the promotion of their Party/Candidature.


    All costs relating to the use of aircrafts or helicopters should also be borne by them personally when the aircrafts or helicopters are being used for the promotion of their Party/Candidature.


    Payments for the use of vehicles should be made to their relevant Ministries / Provincial Councils and relevant authorities. Payments relating to the use of aircrafts or helicopters should be made to the relevant institutions.

    Last modified on Monday, 20 July 2015 12:49

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