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    Half a million labour demand was in 2016

    January 22, 2018


    A key finding of the Sri Lanka Labour Force Survey is that there is a labour demand of nearly half a million in the private sector institutions having more than three employees, says Director General of Census and Statistics, Dr. Amara J. Satharasinghe.


    Indicating the results of the survey the DG added that there is a potential labour force of 210,480 who are not actively seeking employment, but ready work if an opportunity comes.


    He added that there is also an unemployed population of 363,000. Thus, there are over half a million people who can be employed. However, to do so they need to be provided with knowledge, skills, and opportunities as identified by the employers in the ELDS reported above. By doing so, enterprises can obtain the human resource they need. Equally importantly, half a million people who are not productively engaged can be given employment. Appropriate action to bridge the disconnect between the supply and demand in the labour market can have major economic and social benefits directly affecting half a million people, and a large number of enterprises.


    The report on the Enterprise Labour Demand Survey of Sri Lanka, recently released by the DCS, is an important resource to inform the planning and provisioning of vocational and training, as well as to assist individuals to make appropriate career and educational choices. The report is expected to contribute to the improvement of the responsiveness of the post-school education and training system to the needs of the economy and society more broadly, by supporting decision-making on matters pertaining to skills-planning.


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