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    Entries called for Award of Excellence in Health Journalism - 2015

    August 26, 2015

    The Sri Lanka Medical Association is calling for entries from those who have contributed to the print media on health issues during July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 for the "Annual Journalist Award of Excellence in Health Issues."

    The main purpose of this annual award scheme is to recognize relevance, factual correctness, quality and excellence in journalism with regard to health issues.


    The scheme is open to journalists, including free-lancers, from newspapers and health magazines of all three languages in Sri Lanka. Medical doctors registered with the Sri Lanka Medical Council are not eligible for this award.


    The following criteria should be adhered to by the entrants.


    * Contestant should apply personally with the endorsement of the relevant institution he is working for, to certify that he/she is a professional journalist (either full time, part time/free-lance).


    * Contestant should submit not more than three articles of his/her choice.


    * Each article should be submitted with three copies of each article. The copies should have the name/s of the author/s blacked out.


    * Contestant should certify that the articles are his/her own, and that they were published during the period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. He should also name the date and source of the article.


    * Entries should be accompanied with certification from the institution he works for, that it is his/her own work.


    * Completed entries should be sent by registered post to reach "The Chairman, Media Committee, Sri Lanka Medical Association, No. 6, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 7 on or before 12.00 noon on September 18.


    Recipient of the award will be selected by an independent panel of judges from eminent health and medial personnel. Recipients who have won the award three times or more will not be considered for this year's awards.


    The award will be made during the SLMA Foundation Sessions in October.


    Further information could be obtained from Dr. Ruvaiz Haniffa, Chairperson, Media Committee, Sri Lanka Medical Association, No 06, Wijerama Mawatha Colombo 7 or on T/P. 2693324.


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